Senin, 21 Februari 2011

History Last for Name

Indonesian screamo band with a spread of catchy melodic vocals. The band LAST FOR NAME or always refers to as began in the early year of 2010, actually this band started in december 2010. LFN formally known as LAST FOR NAME whose name was invented by our Group. At the time, we consisted of only four members :
Ravva ( Guitar ), nikky ( Bass ), a'ank ( Guitar ), The Band was actually formed in Central java, indonesia, in the middle of june 2010when we found our ( vocalist ) named
Sounds Like : Screamo Post-Hardcore in which power and aggressivness come out from a screaming vocal style mixed .

The First Formation :
- Ravva ( Guitar,Vocals )
- 3to ( Vocalist )
- aa'ng ( Guitarst )
- nikky ( Basist).

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