Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

History Ashes

Purveyors of raw, underground English black metal since 2003....
Ashes was formed in 2003 by Davidian, primarily as an ultra raw, heathen black metal band. After the first demo ‘Forest Funeral’ was well received in the underground, garnering praise lef, right and centre, Ashes signed to English label Supernal music, where Davidian released ‘Hymns to a Grey Sky’, ‘Yggdrasil’ and the first two demos, re-packaged with new artwork, by Rebecca Clegg (Xasthur, Nachtmystium). Ashes parted ways with with Supernal Music in 2007. In 2009, Ashes released ‘Runeworks’, a brutal, piercing blast of old school black metal on Wolf’s Hook Records. This was to be the last album by Davidian.

In 2010, Ashes did something unprecedented in the world of Black metal - Davidian, jaded and fed up with the 'scene' quit the band, and handed it over to Abrecan, who teamed up with G. Hammer III, who are deep in woodland ferns, busy coming up with new material for Ashes Era II.

Current Release:
Released 2009 on Wolf's Hook Records - Not for everyone, this release gives a new meaning to the word raw. With murky, buzzing guitars, sad epic keyboards and little to no production values.
'...It’s heavily reminiscent of Black Funeral circa ‘Empire of Blood’ or Xasthur’s more underground efforts...
A captivating black metal experience. Moments of ‘Wooden Altars’ and ‘Battlefields’ spring to life when the keyboards and guitars sinuously entwine to create a unique wash of melancholy... Davidian clearly has the ability to weave a spell...'

Frank Allain - MetalteamUK.net
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